April 26th: CLASS A Tournament!
Posted: July 09, 2022
We are excited to welcome back to a Class A event in South Bend, IN for our thirtieth regional tournament!
Posted: July 09, 2022
We are excited to welcome back to a Class A event in South Bend, IN for our thirtieth regional tournament!
Posted: February 05, 2020
It’s February so isn’t it natural to take a look at relationships? This blog will focus on the relationship with you and your kids. The following concepts, however, will help improve any relationship that you choose to apply them to!
Posted: January 02, 2020
It's common knowledge that most New Year's Resolutions are given up on by the end of January. While many might find this tradition of making and breaking their yearly promises harmless or cute- I believe that it is incredibly damaging; not for just you, but for our children! Whether you think your resolution is a pipe dream or a far-off hope, in the eyes of a child, a resolution is a commitment. A promise to yourself. Think about the message that it sends a child when they see someone they look up to commit to bettering themselves, and then give up on that goal in less than 30 days because... It's hard/you got busy/you got distracted. What do you think will happen the next time you ask them to resolve to do better at school, be more in-tune with the family, or practice their martial arts? Of course, they will follow the example they have been given, and as said by one of my favorite authors, Rachel Cruz, "More is caught, than taught." (Learn more about Rachel Cruz and her book Smart Money, Smart Kids, in our upcoming class on kids & finance)
So, what can you do? At STAR Martial Arts, we recommend taking the time this Christmas Break to have a family Goal-Setting party...
Posted: October 15, 2019
Part of raising a healthy teenager is making sure that they are surrounded by positive people in a positive environment. We will do almost anything to make sure that our children are not allowed to "be corrupted" by the wrong crowd. But did you know that the most toxic environment your child will ever deal with, is already influencing them more often than you, their martial arts instructors, or even their friends? If you guessed that this toxic environment is in the palm of their hands- you are right- we are talking about social media and smartphones!
Since 2007, suicide rates among teenage girls has doubled, let me say that again- DOUBLED! Boys are no exception to this trend, and have reached the highest levels of self harm in the last 20 years! While this is a multi-faceted issues, many experts agree that the increase and permanency of social media in our children's daily lives plays a big role: